Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Ultrasound

It seemed to take forever to get from the Beta test to the first ultrasound. Having been seen by the doctor on almost a weekly basis for the past six months, I started to go through withdrawal. Plus, having a history of miscarriage and infertility, that time was spent sitting on pins and needles waiting for definitive answers.

The day finally came that we had our dating/heartbeat verification ultrasound. Mike and I drove to the office we'd been so familiar with for so long and saw the doctor who had never lost hope in us. As we walked into the ultrasound room, I remember Mike joking with the doctor, "Just don't tell us it's twins and we'll be fine." The doctor responded, "I really doubt it's twins, you only had one good follicle this time!" We started the ultrasound, holding hands, waiting to see the tiny precious flicker indicating a strong heartbeat. The doctor cleared his throat. "How do you feel about twins?" There, on the screen, sat two tiny jellybeans. Two tiny heartbeats. Two tiny humans growing.

Mike's exact words were "Are you fucking kidding me?" and he dropped my hand. He turned ash white and the nurse later told us she was fairly certain he was about to pass out. I started crying. Not because I was upset (certainly I was surprised!) but because there were heartbeats. We had what looked to be a viable pregnancy.

I was fairly angry at Mike for the way he reacted. All I wanted was to complete our family and he was upset at the very time that we were finding out that we were on the road to doing that. After the ultrasound, they brought us into an office so they could give us the paperwork to complete the transfer from their care back to my regular obstetrician. I yelled at Mike about his inappropriate reactions until the nurse walked in. He kept apologizing but insisting that he was thinking about things like daycare costs and having to buy a bigger vehicle.

The nurse brought in all our paperwork, gave me tips on how to handle pregnancy and we got two teddy bears that showed the world we were leaving the practice successfully. Those bears will be given to the twins when they're born.

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